Friday, May 20, 2011

Is tomorrow really the end of the world? (from Douglas Poole)

Dear Cypress Family and Friends,

So if you knew this week was your last one on this planet...what would you do?

Well there is a group of people out there who are convinced it all ends around 4 PM EDT. Maybe you have been following the latest predictions being made by a guy who made the same projection back in the 90's...but he is really really sure this time. (Wonder if he is sure enough to write a check to Springs of Hope Kenya today since he won't be needing his money tomorrow?) Anyway what would you do if you knew this week was your last one on this planet?

Looking over my shoulder on the last 6 days...I think I'd pretty much do what I did. I went to Haiti and got to hold a couple of little orphaned kids in my arms as we rocked back and forth in a chair...did a little ground work which will result in 300 children getting the game changing opportunity of an education and took the next step in securing micro business loans for  some people who will get the chance to chase their dream of a real job. I got to watch a grand daughter and future thespian perform in her year end pre-school program (she was a dancing lioness). I got to spend some extended time with a guy who is a true and trusted friend. I sat with my family around a table and we shared in a meal and each others lives. I got to walk along the shore of upper Tampa Bay holding hands with the woman who has held me in her heart for 30 plus years. I worked on the services for this weekend at Cypress...the June 5 Cypress 30th celebration...and got ready for the next candidate for the student ministry job who will be with us this weekend. But I didn't get a sail in!

If tomorrow it all ends (don't bet on it since Jesus said no one knows the day nor the hour) I have no regrets about the last week...except maybe the "no sail" part. That said, maybe if any good comes out of this latest self appointed prophet making yet another false is a reminder that we should live wisely everyday since known of us ever know which day will be our last day. How you spend your days is how you spend your life...spend them wisely.

Okay so I'm planning on being with the Cypress family at one of our three services this weekend...and I'd highly recommend the same to you. We will be in part four of the greatest question ever and I can't wait to pass on to you what I think is flat out the #1 lesson I have learned in my personal study of the Book of Proverbs over the last five months.

See you Saturday night or Sunday morning...really...if not, it will be because I met my maker in some way other than as a result of a dooms day rapture theory.


The guy who is living for today but with plans for the weekend.

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