Dear Cypress Family and Friends,
“In normal times, isolation hurts. In crisis, isolation kills.
In normal times, community blesses. In crisis, community saves.”
When I read this statement by author/pastor John Ortberg something resonated with it somewhere deep in my soul. So I picked up my handy yellow highlighter and ran it over these words that were jumping off the page at me. Then I set the magazine down to reflect on why I was so stirred...wondering if heaven was whispering in my ear. Sure enough...that familiar, inaudible, still, small voice of God started breaking into my being. I sensed heaven saying...’Get up next to those in isolation and deepen your own connection in community’. In the next few minutes faces flashed on my mind’s screen of people I know who are feeling alone in one kind of a crises or another and the look I saw in those faces revealed a spirit inside them that was dying. So I made a mental list and have begun making contact. One of those faces was that of a compadre whose friendship now spans more than three decades. And oddly enough, he called later that same day to inquire if I could have lunch this week because he was in need of some “DP” time. Hum-m-m-m. Sound like a God-thing to you...did to me. So we will share a meal and community together later today. I pray it blesses him...and I pray it helps to save a man and a ministry well worth saving.
Part two of that whisper was to deepen my own connection in community. Not sure why or what, if anything, awaits me in this journey I am on that would call for that. I have simply learned that whispers from heaven can be trusted, and when I hear His voice I do my best to follow.
I close with this, would you pull off the busy highway of life right now for just a moment or two, quiet yourself and reflect on this:
“In normal times, isolation hurts. In crisis, isolation kills.
In normal times, community blesses. In crisis, community saves”
If someone comes to your mind who might just be feeling a little isolated...just reach out. Don’t try to be their therapist nor their rescuer. Just be a friend. Just listen. Just let them know you care. And while you are at it - ponder the quality of your own connection in community these days. Any relationships you should re-connect with and or deepen?
See you this weekend either Saturday night or Sunday morning as Jan Cox will deliver Part II of ‘I-Marriage’. If you missed Jan last week, simply ask anyone who was there about it and you will end up making sure you are in a seat at Cypress this weekend. Better yet, go to the Cypress web page and watch part one for yourself...then I guarantee you you’ll not only be’ll be dragging friends along with you!
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