Saturday, February 26, 2011

Marching Orders (from Douglas Poole)

Dear Cypress Family and Friends,

“Get up...suit up...give it your best...and leave the results to me.”

Last fall I got away for a few days of silence and solitude. Just me and the Lord. I had some teaching prep materials with me and a couple of books to read but more than anything I was in need of a word from heaven. (I’m one of those people who really believes that when Christ-followers turn an ear toward heaven, God gives discerning whispers, nudges in our spirit or prompting that guide...encourage...correct...challenge or give assignments that bring so much purpose and meaning to our lives.) When that whisper came, it was so not what I was expecting. I wanted an insight that would bring an overnight breakthrough on something that seemed stuck and unchangeable. What I heard was these marching orders: “Get up...suit up...give it your best...and leave the results to me.” H-m-m-m-m

This week I spoke at a whole school assembly on a college campus. I almost didn’t agree when the call came in a few weeks ago and I almost sent Jan Cox, our Director of Student ministries, last minute to speak on my behalf...but when I prayed about it any guesses what I heard? Yep: “Get up...suit up...give it your best...and leave the results to me”. So I did just that and boy oh boy am I ever glad I did. The students connected with what I was saying at a level way deeper than I anticipated. So much so, I spent over an hour after the gathering in conversations with students who were wanting a few moments of time to talk. I drove off shaking my head in amazement of a God who gives promptings to a rank and file Pastor like me...and amazement of what happens when we simply respond to His whispers.

Anybody besides me realize how desperately we need to hear whispers from heaven? In writing this I just got inspired to revisit the book “The Power of a Whisper” by Bill Hybels...if you have never read it and you long to hear from heaven...pick it up today. Okay, I have to put the finishing touches on this weekend’s teaching...time to: get up, suit up, show up, give it my best and leave the results to God...once again.



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