Saturday, January 15, 2011

What did you expect? (from Douglas Poole)

Dear Cypress Family and Friends,

"Denmark is said to be the happiest country in the world...the reason...they have the lowest expectations."

So I read this statement in a book last Monday and it caught my attention for at least a couple of reasons. First, I've got some Danish blood flowing in my veins. Second, I have some fairly high expectations in life, especially when it comes to me of me. So is the secret to living a happy life to expect little out of relationships, movies, church, restaurants and even God so you don't find yourself being disappointed? Or is happiness found in pursuing a life with high expectations knowing full well you run the risk of them not being met?

Well this Dane has made the decision that life is experienced fully when you have some high expectations...not the blind, check your brain at the door kind of dumb expectations...but the thought through, prayed through, going be a stretch, but I got reason to believe God is in the deal so why not go for it kind of expectations. Number me with those who would rather chase something wonderful in life and live with some disappointments in the process than to number me among those who find happiness in setting their sights so low disappointment couldn't possibly crawl under it and into your life.

In my experience...most often I experience what I expect. Not always, but enough to know I should give some careful thought to my expectations. You really didn't expect me to say something different did you?

See you Saturday night or Sunday morning...come expecting to hear from heaven...I think I did in preparing my talk for this weekend.



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