Friday, December 10, 2010

Jesus and Sheikra [from Douglas Poole]

Dear Cypress Family and Friends,

One of the things I love about the Christmas season is the way the message of God’s grace through His son Jesus shows up in some of the most unexpected places.

I spent two days this week engaged in strategic planning for next year’s weekend services while sitting around tables at Busch Gardens (Yes, I know...Busch Gardens?...Really?...I was told the creative environment would make us more creative. Did it work?...You’ll have to show up to services next year to find out.) Anyway, at one point as we were sitting around a table in the sun creating away I had to lean in close to hear because our conversation was being drowned out by the sound of vocalists at a nearby show singing at about 10,000 decibels. My initial annoyance over having to strain to hear the person seated right next to me was quickly overcome when I heard the vocalists belting out the words...“Christ, the Savior, is born”. Suddenly I was a bit awed to hear the message of God’s grace being sung loud and clear at a place I hadn’t expected...a theme park. Sheikra, Montu and Jesus...what a delightful combination. Who’d have thought. Jesus shows up at some of the most unexpected places this time of year doesn’t He? Places like malls, motel lobbies, school concerts, country radio stations and theme parks. So I silently breathed a prayer that ears would listen and that hearts would be open to this message of good news...a Savior has been born.

As much as anytime of the year, people are open to this message. So leverage the opportunity and invite others to join you at the Sara Groves Christmas concerts next weekend at Cypress, as well as, the Christmas Eve services on the 24th. Both the Saturday and Sunday night concerts were maxed so we found a way to squeeze in 40 more seats for each service. There is still plenty of room in the Sunday AM concert, so if you could help us out by switching your attendance to Sunday morning just go on line and swap out your tickets. Thanks.

See you either Saturday night or Sunday morning as we continue with part four of the unexpected Christmas series...who knows...Jesus might just show up at church too, this time of year...heard He is a 10-10 kind of guy.



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